#dreamofme challenge

Be part of the Dream Of Me being … – Collection!

I’m collecting your dreams for an art project.

Make a video of yourself finishing the sentence:

I dream of me being … (in any language you like)


I am …

and send it to me: lili@lilivanilly.com

Thank you.

/With sending the video to me you give me the rights to use it for this art project. I will not change the meaning of it. I’ll just arrange the videos after each other and show them at a small festival. It will be a video installation in the end.



What are your dreams of and for yourself?

– this is a question worth asking any day, anytime!

With the conscious using of the word «being» instead of «having» there could be a different, more honest and vulnerable answer to this question. The main aim is it, to put pairs together. Two people who look similar but are a very different age. This way they connect through time. For the viewer they seem to be the same person. How well this will work is an experiment.

How it works: